Ovie Mughelli
Climate change affects people of color and low-income communities in a massively disproportionate way. Think about Katrina, the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, and inner city populations affected by drinking water and air pollution and asthma issues.
SimmonsSTUDIO chatted with keynote speaker and 2X All-Pro NFL fullback Ovie Mughelli at the Living Futures Product Expo on his foundation’s mission to engage and empower the next generation of sustainability leaders.
Ovie’s Mughelli Foundation has created innovative programs to engage youth in the sustainability conversation. From creating the Gridiron Green graphic novel series distributed to elementary schools, where a black superhero stars in green missions to protect the environment, to partnering with collegiate athletic departments for green tailgating events, Ovie is empowering the future.
SimmonsSTUDIO calls you to inclusive ACTION on climate diversity by having your higher education institution or athletic department partner with his organization. Learn more at: https://www.omfgreen.org/
#GridironGreen #mughellifoundation #OvieMughelli #greendiversity